
wangwang english Dec 18, 2007








How High the Moon

Tom Murphy wants to know how far it is to the moon. Not just how many miles, or how many feet, or even how many inches.
Tom Murphy想知道地球到月亮有多远,有多少英里,多少英尺,多少英寸。

He wants to know it within a millimeter, and that's less than a 25th of an inch.And he wants to know exactly how far it is every moment of every day. That'sdespite the fact that the distance changes minute by minute because the moon is in an elliptical 28-day orbit ranging from 220,000 to about 252,000 miles from Earth.

To achieve his goal, the University of Washington postdoctoral researcher in physics and astronomy will use the latest in laser technology, a large telescope in New Mexico, a team of other experts, a little funding from NASA, and a whole lot of luck.

The stakes are high. If it doesn't work, he could spend the rest of his life trying to live down "Murphy's folly." If it does, he might disprove part of Einstein's theory of General Relativity, or he might discover evidence of an unseen celestial body in our solar system, either of which would earn him a page in the history books. What Murphy is really doing is using the Earth and the moon as his laboratory, because the questions he is asking can't be answered in an ordinary lab. The tools just aren't big enough.
这项研究的赌注高昂。如果失败,他可能会在"Murphy的遇蠢 "的耻辱下度过余生。如果成功了,他也许证明爱因斯坦广义相对论的部分理论不成立,或者他也许会发现太阳系新天体存在的证据,无论如何他都将名垂青史。Murphy真正要做的事,就是把地球和月亮作为自己的实验室,因为他不可能在普通实验室找到答案,没有这么大的实验工具。

Murphy's primary method will be something called "laser ranging."Light from a laser fired from the Earth could hit a reflector on the surface of the moon and bounce back. The time it took for the light to travel from Earth to the reflector and back would reveal the exact distance, or at least within a few inches. That would reveal much about the lunar orbit, and that data could in turn be used to test some of the tantalizing ideas in Einstein's theories.

By using a laser system mounted on a 3.5-meter telescope at Apache Point, N.M.,and equipped with a sophisticated array of detectors that can capture and isolate every photon of light that bounces back from the moon, Murphy hopes to get the number down well below a millimeter.
依靠使用安放在新墨西州Apache Point市3.5米望远镜上的激光系统,并装备一组能捕获分离从月球反射回来光子的精密探测仪,Murphy希望能把月地距离的测量精确到1毫米之内.

The laser will blast a 1-billion-watt "bullet" of light at the moon 20 times every second. But the Earth's atmosphere will distort the beam once it leaves the telescope, so by the time it gets to the moon the beam will cover an area more than a mile wide. Murphy is hoping that at least one out of every 30 million photons hits a reflector and bounces back toward Earth. That would send about a billion photons back from each bullet.

But by the time the reflected laser beam reaches Earth, it will have spread out to nearly 10 miles in diameter, so probably only about one out of 30 million reflected protons will actually be captured by the detectors. That data will be fed into a powerful computer, but all it will tell is the distance between the telescope and the reflector.










  401. instead of (=in place of) 代替,而不是…
402. instruct…in (=teach) 教.指导.训练某人…
403. insure…for 把…保险(多少钱); ensure 使安全; assure…(of) 使…确信,保证
404. insure…against 保险…以防
405. intend…for 打算把…给
406. (be) intent on 专心致志, 坚决
407. in the interests of 符合…的利益 be interested in 对…感兴趣
408. interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰
409. at intervals 每隔一会儿, 每隔一段距离
410. intervene in 干预
411. invest in 投资
412. be involved in (=become connected or concerned) 卷入, 参加
413. by itself (=alone, without help)单独地,靠自己
414. in itself 本身; of itself 自发,自然
415. be jealous of 妒忌
416. jump at (=to be eager to accept)抢着接受,
417. jump on (=scold, tell of) 叱责
418. junior to sb. 年纪较…轻, 职位较…低.
419. (be) keen on 喜爱, 渴望
420. keep a close watch on ( =keep a sharp lookout for) 密切注视
421. keep…to oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人
422. to(the best of) one's knowledge 据…所知
423. at large(=at liberty, free) 在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general) 一般来说, 大体上 at large(=at full length; with details)详细地
424. lean against (背)靠着…
425. at least 至少; at most 至多
426. (not) in the least 一点(也不), 丝毫(也不)
427. at one's leisure 在…有空的时候
428. lend itselfthemselves to适合于(某用途)
429. at length (=after a long time, at last)终于 at length (=in detail, thoroughly)详细地
430. go to any length想一切办法, 尽一切力量
431. be liable to (=be subject to)易于..的,应受(罚)
432. be liable for 对…应负责任的
433. lie in 在于
434. in life 一生中
435. for life 终身
436. in the light of (=considering; taking into account) 考虑到, 根据
437. throw light on ( = make clear, explain) 使…更为清楚, 提供线索, 阐明
438. in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致
439. long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到
440. for long 很久,很长时间(否定句.疑问句中)
441. before long (=soon)不久, 过了不久以后.
442. in the long run (=in the end)从长远来说,最后; in the short term (从短期来说)
443. (be) at a loss 不知所措
444.major in 主修(某课程)
445. as a matter of fact 实际上, 事实是
446. by all means (=at all costs)不惜一切. (=certainly) 当然行;by means of用…; by no means 完全不, 决不
447. on memory of 为纪念…
448. on the mend (=in the process of recovering) 好转, 在康复中
449. mention sth. to sb. 向某人提起某事
450. at the mercy of (=in the power of) 任…摆布, 在…支配下
451. be in a mess 乱七八糟, 处境困难 make a mess of 弄乱, 打乱
452. bear(or keep)…in mind(=remember)牢记
453. bring(or call)to mind(=remember)使回想起
454. by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地
455. at the moment (=now) 此刻,现在 for the moment (=for the time being)暂时 just a moment 稍等片刻 at the last moment 在最后一刻
456. in the mood for 有情绪去做..,有心境做.
457. no more…than 和…一样都不…
458. for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说
459. at (the) most 最多, 至多
460. make the most of 充分利用
461. be not much of(=not a good)不是很好的… be something of 有点…,像…
462. name after 用…的名字命名
463. native to 所产的
464. by nature 天生的, 生来
465. in mature 本质上
466. (be) in the nature of 属…性质
467. none other that 不是别人,正是…
468. above normal 高于正常(温度)
469. for nothing (=free, without payment)免费
470. nothing but 只有, 不过…而已
471. to say nothing of(=not to mention)更不用说…
472. do sth. at short notice 只给很少时间准备
473. until further notice 在另行通知前
474. take notice of (=pay attention) 注意
475. object to (=be opposed to) 反对
476. objection to (接动名词) 反对
477. on occasion(=now and then)不时地,必要时
478. by occasion of (=because of) 由于
479. occupy oneself with (in) 忙于(某事)
480. it occurs to sb. that… 某人想到…
481. once and for all =once and forever永远地 all at once (=suddenly, now) 立即,马上 once in a while (=occasionally) 偶尔 (just) for once 就这一次
482. (all) by oneself 独自(没有别人帮助)
483. operate on sb. 给某人做手术 operation n. come go into operation开始运转 putbring sth. into operation 使…投产,运转
484. be of the opinion 持有…的看法
485. in one's opinion 按某人的看法
486. be opposed to… 反对…
487. be opposite to 与…相反的
488. (be) in order(=acceptable)合适的,恰当的 in order 井井有条,处于良好状态; out of order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障
489. made to order 定做的(衣服)
490. originate infrom(=begin)起源于,由..引起
491. on the outskirts (of) 在城郊
492. owe…to 把…归于…
493. on one's own (=along, without help)单独
494. of one's own某人自己的
495. keep pace with 跟…齐步前进
496. go to great pains=take pains 下功夫,努力
497. part with (=give up, sell) 舍弃,卖掉
498. participate in (=take part in)参加
499. (be) particular about 讲究,挑剔(吃,穿)
500. in particular (=especially) 特别是,尤其


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