原邮件发件人地址: iscid08@yahoo.com
http://www.iscid08.org http://www.meeting.edu.cn
2008 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID 2008) will be held on 17-18 October,2008 in Wuhan, China. it provides two day's focus on the science and technology that are the basis for the computational intelligence and design. The theme of the plenary session is "Computational intelligence and design" featuring invited speakers who will further explore this topic that is so significant for this fields. Concurrent sessions and a poster session will cover a wide range of topics and issues, including both contributed papers and special sessions developed on specific themes, all with a central focus of CI and Design.
This conference provides an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the world's engineers and academia, where internationally recognized researches and practitioners share cutting-edge information, address the hottest issue in computational intelligence and design, explore new technologies, exchange and build upon ideas. And provide researchers and practitioners interested in new information technologies an opportunity to highlight innovative research directions, novel applications, and a growing number of relationships between rough sets and such areas as computational intelligence, knowledge discovery and data mining, intelligent information systems, web mining, synthesis and analysis of complex objects , non-conventional models of computation and design. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Computational Intelligence
Rough set theory and applications
Fuzzy set theory and applications
Fuzzy-rough, rough-fuzzy and beyond
Approximate and uncertain reasoning
Case-based reasoning
Computing with words
Evolutionary computing
Granular computing
Natural Computing
Affective Computing
Hybrid and integrated intelligent systems
Multi-agent systems
Multi-criteria decision support
Neural networks
Non-classical logic
Pattern recognition and image processing
Petri nets and concurrency
Spatial reasoning
Statistical inference
Web intelligence - Industrial Design
User Modeling
Affective design and human-centered design
Product positioning and product line/portfolio planning
Customer preference and customer value assessment
Customer behavior and interaction with product attributes
Mass customization and personalization
Customer involvement and product definition
Customer needs elicitation and requirements acquisition
Product proliferation and variety management
Customer requirement lifecycle management
Requirement modeling, language and supporting tools
New strategies, business models, enabling technologies.
Kansei engineering and Kansei science
Customer decision-making and choice models - Intelligent information systems
Decision support systems
Knowledge discovery and data mining
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a full paper for review by April 25, 2008 in PDF or Word format. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. The submission process is carried through ISCID conference management system (www.iscid08.org/openconf/index.php). The manuscripts must follow the IEEE two-column format with single-spaced, 10-point font in the text. Please use the LaTeX style file or Microsoft Word template to prepare your final version, including figures, tables and references. A standard paper should not succeed 4 pages. All accepted papers will be presented in oral sessions or poster sessions.
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society, all papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and cited by EI Compendex. Selected 30-50 papers will be recommended to publish in EI Compendex journal ,but the author also need to give a presentation in the conference
Prof. Jonathan Lawry, University of Bristol,UK
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