Dear all
Here is another simple but useful article, share with you~
What You Need Is More Vacation!
Recent studies indicate Americans are working more and enjoying it less. Between 1995 and 1999, the number of people calling in sick because of stress more than tripled. I've got a lot of clients coming to me from Silicon Valley, says Pam Ammondson, 45, who runs a
One man, however, is working overtime to get the American worker more vacation time. Joe Robinson, 49, of Santa Monica, Calif., an adventure-travel magazine editor, has been on talk shows nationwide pitching a law that would guarantee three weeks of vacation to anyone who works at a job for a year and four weeks of vacation after three years. On his website, Robinson rants, "We're the most vacation-starved country in the industrialized world." His petition has gathered 20,000 signatures. "Small-business employees get an average of eight days of vacation each, while Europeans and Australians receive four to six weeks' paid leave", says Robinson. "In total hours, we now work two months longer each year than the Germans." Anyone who travels has noticed that whether you go to
Just how productive is the
"It costs us 150% of an annual salary to replace an employee in terms of retraining a new person plus the turbulence it causes in a unit and the impact on our clients," says Denny Marcel, associate director of the burnout-prevention unit at Ernst & Young.
Robinson knows we'll see chimps back in orbit before we see a federal mandate for vacation time. But he hopes employers will begin to consider the realities of burnout. So before you see how far you can get this summer on your short vacation leash, take a trip to and sign a petition.
to call in sick: (v. phrase) to telephone one's employer to report illness that will require absence / 向雇主请病假
stress: (v.) pressure, tension, anxiety / 压力
burnout: (n.) a condition of being worn out or exhausted by excessive use, or by too much work / 工作过劳而耗尽精力
miserable: (adj.) extreme discomfort or unhappiness, inadequate / 痛苦的,悲惨的
talk show: (n.) a TV or radio program featuring an interesting guest to whom listeners can ask questions / 电视或电台的访谈节目
to pitch: (v.) to throw a ball with great force, especially throwing a baseball to a batter; also, to offer or propose a new idea / 大力掷球,尤指打捧球时向击球员掷球;提出新的观点
to rant: (v.) to talk in a noisy, excited, and usually scolding manner / 大声地说
petition: (n.) appeal, a formal written request or document signed by a number of people / 请愿书,由多人签名提出的正式要求
to dawn on: (phrasal v.) to realize, perceive or understand for the first time / 意识到,首次了解到
to retrain: (v.) teaching or instructing someone again or anew / 重新教育
turbulence: (n.) disturbance, agitation, unrest, wild commotion / 动荡
unit: (n.) a group, especially in a larger organization such as a corporation or army /单位,尤指公司或军队中的单位
mandate: (n.) a formal order, ruling, or command; an authorization to act accordingly / 命令,指示,授权
leash: (n.) something used to tie or restrain an animal / 束缚
Any questions, please feel free to contact me, welcome to share or talking with me something in English by MSN or E-mail.
Best regards
AVC Project Manager
Tel : 0755-33668888
----- Original Message -----
From: stone_yin(殷建武)深圳
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:25 PM
Subject: 英文�料,�您共享----
Dear all,
Good afternoon
As someone sometimes asked me how to study English and to be a better life this afternoon.
I'll share you some good articles to you, please forgive me if have any handwriting mistakes, because all letters input by myself, most importantly, from my heart instead of copy books
At first I want to say these passages can not only boost your English. They can reshape your life!
The inspirational and wise words they contain can increase your vocabulary and motivate you to improve every area of your life. You can find power when you recite these passages. It's hard not to become a better person with a more positive attitude when you are reciting beautiful and inspirational words. So, get busy, shake off your worries and negative thoughts, and set foot on the road to a brand-new you. These passages will train your tongue muscles and your mind to create a small miracle if you keep your brain active and looking.
The first one is "Hold Fast your dreams"
If your dream is to speak beautiful English, persist in trying until it becomes a reality, never lose sight of your dreams.
Don't give up because you meet frustration or feel too busy in your daily life. As you know, the trait most successful people have in common is the ability to hold onto their dreams under any circumstances.
And we all have dreams.
We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift,that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place.
At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve.
Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustration and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them.
For far too many , the dream have dissipated ,and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies.
Many have lost that sense of certainty that creats the winner's edge.( edge: an advantage; a margin of superiority)
What we should do is to restore the dream and to make it real, to get each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that lies sleeping within us all.
Please hold fast to the dreams and never say die.
OK, that's all for "Dreams", let's call it a day.
Any suggestion, please feel free to tell me.
Best regards
AVC Tel : 0755-33668888