英语数字趣谈 |
1.one-horse town--乡村小镇。 这一短语源自美国,由小镇仅拥有一匹马而来。 由此引申,one-horse现在可以表示 "极小的、简陋 的、次要的" 意思,如one-horse show(小型展览会)。 由one组合成的习语。而又毫无 "一" 这一含义的习语还有: (1) He was one too many for me. 我不是他的对手。 (2) Number one -- 自己。 由此而衍生to look after number one(自私,追求自己的利益) 2.Two of a trade did never agree -- 同行相轻。 这是一句古老的谚语。 由two组合成的习语还有: (1) when two Fridays come together. "永远不"的遁词。 (2) The two eyes of Greece. 希腊古代的两座城市"雅典"和"斯巴达"。 3.Three sheets in the wind -- 酩酊大醉。 sheet 的一个词义是"系在帆下角的金属环上的帆脚索"。如果帆脚索没有系扣住时,船帆可以任意 随风飘扬。船员们称之为 in the wind。A sheet in the wind由此成为船员们一句口头语言,表示 tipsy(微醉)。Three sheets in the wind 自然是大醉特醉了。 由three组合成的习语还有: Three score and ten --古稀之年。 score在英语中是"二十"的意思。尽管这一习语中的数字加起来是七十,但在引喻中只是泛指老年而已。 4.Four-letter words -- 粗俗的下流话。由此而衍生出four-letter man(专喜使用粗俗的下流话的人)。 由four组合的另一习语是: Four-sale 廉价的啤酒;每品脱原来只卖四便士的啤酒。 |
英语打气顺口溜 |
My Pledge/ Oath(誓言) What's your story? You can't speak! You can't understand! You feel bad! You feel hopeless! That's crazy! Cheer up! It's not the end of the world. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Don't look back. Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face. The more mistakes your make, The more progress you make. Don't give up. Just try your best. Relax! Don't panic(惊慌)! Take it easy! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning English should be fun. Speaking good English is no big deal. It's worth your time and effort. It's an easy job. Do something about it. You have no choice. No more excuses! Get moving. Let's get started! Let's talk in English. You'd better do it now. I have every confidence in you. I want to be proud of you. It's my pleasure to help you anytime. You can count on me! Don't worry about it. I'm serious. I'll try my best. We will make it together. We wish you the best of luck! |
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