英语九百句之 About Shopping 关于购物 |
496. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗? |
肯德基沙拉广告成2005年英国广告"被投诉大王" |
肯德基沙拉广告成2005年英国广告"被投诉大王" KFC advert breaks complaints record 在美国快餐连锁巨头肯德基的一则商业广告画面中,呼叫中心的工作人 A fast food commercial that featured call centre staff singing with their mouths full has become the most complained-about advert of all time. 新沙拉广告惹恼上千人 2005年,英国广告标准管理部门(ASA)共接到的对这则电视广 The Advertising Standards Authority received a record 1,671 objections last year to the television advert for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The KFC advert was promoting the chain's Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad. 大部分投诉者指出,呼叫中心工作人员在广告中的这一形象给孩子们树 Most callers said that it set a bad example to children, or ridiculed people with speech impediments. Some even claimed that it placed call centre employees in a bad light. A spokesman for the company said: "The ad was always intended to be humorous and we apologised to those who felt that it wasn't." 尽管肯德基的这则沙拉广告惹怒许多人投诉,但由于广告本身并没有违 Despite the huge number of complaints, the ASA threw out the objections because the advert did not break any rules. The ASA did not censure any of the five adverts that attracted most complaints. 对商业广告的投诉增多 肯德基这则广告的被投诉量是2004年投诉量最多的广告的两倍 It caused nearly twice as many complaints as the previous record-holder - an advert for Wrigley's chewing gum in which a man recovering from a hangover appeared to regurgitate a dog. 根据广告标准管理部门的年度报告,2005年,英国人对商业广告的 Complaints about print and broadcast advertising rose by 16 per cent last year, according to the ASA's annual report. However, they related to fewer adverts than the previous year. Some 11,865 commercials and print adverts drew objections last year - down from 12,450 in 2004. 2005年,广告标准管理部门已责令撤消或禁止2241则被投诉的 The authority ordered 2,241 adverts to be withdrawn or amended. The vast majority of complaints to the ASA came from members of the public who felt "misled or offended", its annual report said. |
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