本文中文翻译部分由Lily完成,再次特别表示感谢!请不要随意转载!谢谢尊重!英文文本部分完全用于英语学习交流,无任何商业用途! Love is not always giving others what they want; love is doing for others what is best for them. That reminds me of my close friend, really, he's more like a brother, Bernie Lofchick, from Winnipeg, Canada. His son, David, was born with cerebral palsy and initially had a very difficult time. 爱,不是常常给于别人他们所想要的;爱,是做对别人最好的事情.这使我想起了我的一个好朋友,来自加拿大温尼伯湖的Bernie Lofchick,事实上,他更象一个兄长.他的儿子David出生后患了先天性的脑瘫,起初度过了一段非常艰难的日子. When David was about 18 months old, Bernie and his wife, Elaine, had to put braces on David's legs every night. The doctor instructed them to make the braces progressively tighter, which caused considerable pain. Many times David pleaded, "Do you have to make them so tight?" David18个月大的时候,Bernie和他的妻子Elainetxg每天晚上要给他的腿上打上校正支架.医生告诉他们支架要固定的一天比一天紧,这会相当的疼痛.好多次David都哀求到:"你们干嘛非要打得这幺紧?" Today, David is an active, healthy, successful businessman with a beautiful wife and three beautiful children. David's success story is the result of a love so deep that the Lofchicks were willing to do for David what was best for him, and not what David wanted at the moment. 现在David已是一个活跃,健康,成功的商人,有一个美丽的妻子和三个可爱的孩子.David的成功是Lofchicks付出深爱的结果,他做了对David最好的,而不是当时他要求的事情. Think about it. Make that kind of love paramount in your life. 仔细想一想!让这样的爱在你的生活中发扬光大. He is there
To be frank, I have few boy friends. If it turns to be a must, I would count him in. However, he is more than that. So many common ground we have. Not only came us from the same hometown, but also spend the tender adulthood in the same campus. We met almost every day, chatted for a while, had lunch together, laughed, and smlied. Then we were apart, in the same year. And many years past. The other day we met, he sits there as before. We laughed through the dinner, with tears, and with the same smile. He mails me books, including Bible. And via the phone, still smile. And smile. He is in Guam now, coming back often, with few words, and most of the time, just smile.
 If you are upset, Have a dream, then If you are heartbroken, Have a dream, then If you cannot find yourself Have a dream, then Close your eyes, Have a dream… 我有话要说:http://www.360abc.com/blog/blog.asp?blogid=1063&viewid=588